Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Jump for Something

Sometimes, okay oftentimes, I don’t have the original words; but those words that come before us are just right for our lives in any given moment.  Yes, I am still writing about music (aren’t I always?); but we see this in novels, poems and movies that never go out of style ("Dear George: Remember no man is a failure who has friends.”  You got that right, Clarence!  It’s a Wonderful Life)

Here we are in January – a New Year, a new launch, (a birthday :-) - a time where people feel emboldened and compelled to make changes, to live the life they have always wanted, to dare to dream.  Most people I know set intentions or resolutions for the New Year; or make lists of all the things they want to do – practical or not - just to try to accomplish more, live fuller, bigger, better.  

Heck - in essence, I started blogging because I have always wanted to write but was so afraid to share (it was my 2012 Leap of Faith/Lenten commitment). And I have loved what I have gained from this risk - I only wish I had more time to write.  So what’s your 2013 dream?  What are you going to dare to do?  I’m not saying I buy into resolutions… we all let those slide.  But being brave and taking a risk, I am buying into that since every day is a new chance to take your life out for a spin. 

This past summer, I took some other chances/stances that I would not have taken a year ago (writing must have been my gateway ;-).  My girlfriends decided I was charting out a Year of Bold.  In all honesty, it wasn’t so much intentional as my just getting more brave and living more presently; but it apparently inspired.  And not just my gal pals but inspired me because of their support and the “why not live” perspectives.  I like bold Jane-O!  Even though I have not escaped unscathed..., I have been present and lived and I cherish that immensely.  

My college roommate, Ann used to say “Jane, its okay to make mistakes - as long as they are your mistakes.”  That was always a hard one for me - I don't like making mistakes.  But she was so right; and what I regret most thus far are the things I didn't try because I was afraid.  I'm pretty confident fear (often analysis paralysis in my case) is the bigger regret than simply screwing up.  Everybody Makes Mistakes (Hannah Montana sang about it, Miley Cyrus lives it ;-)

When thinking about living the Year of Bold and in the precious present, these lyrics by Anne Heaton are especially inspiring; but mostly, I just LOVE the beauty of this song! 

Oh forget what you know
And draw me with crayons
Spin around the room
With paint on your hands
See who gets covered
And when you fall down

Cause you’re going to crash anyway
Even if you’re stuck not moving
You can be lulled by insults
Or sharpened by love

You may as well jump
You might as well jump
       for something

#ThisJane Says, live your own Year of Bold and just jump…  I know it will pay off and you will be glad – I will too!


  1. Did Mia bite all of your fingers off?
    You have not written anything this year.
    I hope that is not your resolution.
    Send me a message if you want some help with your golf game.
    I am not a Guru, but I play one on the practice range.
